Akira DeMoss - Meeting Facilitator

I’m a Senior in Computer Engineering at Iowa State University passionate about computer vision, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. I love learning new things and growing and believe that the combination of my communication skills and growth mindset are the key to my ability to thrive while solving complex problems. I'm excited to ramp up my team on our deep learning environment and collaborate to create a system for concrete crack detetion using a smart phone.
Modeste Kenne - Test Engineer

I'm a Computer Engineering student with a particular interest in Embedded Systems/Internet of Things and Network Security.
My current research involves working on IoT devices used by elderly people in Assisted Living Facilities.
Maggie Dalton- Meeting Scribe

I'm a Computer Engineering major with an interest in software development. Most of my experience has been in developing Android applications, but I'm excited to learn about machine learning with this project.
Nikhilesh Thota - Report Manager

I'm a computer engineering major interested in backend software development, specifically DevOps. I have experience with Data Analysis, plc coding, automation and process control, backend microservices, and cybersecurity. I have no experience with machine learning, but I'm excited to finally give it a shot!